Interested in working at East Hill?

If you are interested being a part of our staff here at East Hill in our Before and After School program or Summer Day Camp, please download and fill out the appropriate application and turn it into our office by the due date listed.

BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL: Please check back with us after June 2024!

SUMMER DAY CAMP: We are hiring!


1. Download B/ASP Employment Application.

2. Read over the application in entirety.

3. Fill out application, "Save as PDF," and email completed application PDF file to kenny@easthill.net.

4. Send the Employment Recommendation form or link to the desired person. Have them email the form to kenny@easthill.net.

5. Once we have received both documents, you will be contacted to schedule an interview. Thank you for your applications!

PRESCHOOL: We are currently full for the 2023-2024 School Year. Please check back in the Spring for any updates.